Rahavard Received PAC for GTIAC of Rumaila CCPP
Rahavard Energy received PAC (Provisional Acceptance Certificate) for the Gas Turbine Inlet Air Cooling (GTIAC) project of units 9&10 of Rumaila combined cycle power plant, Basra, Iraq.
The PAC issued on July 17, 2023, after 45 days of successful trial operation of the cooling system and fulfilling all the guaranty conditions. The GTIAC system installed is of upstream Media cooler type, which can boost the GTs output power more than 18% at the design condition.
The Rumaila CCPP is located near Basra city, southern Iraq, with a nominal total capacity of 3000MW. MAPNA group is the client of the project and the plant owner is Shamara Holding group.

Keywords: Upstream cooler, upstream cooling system, upstream Media cooler, upstream evaporative cooler, upstream turbine cooling, Media Cooling, Media pad